Direcciones a la Boutique en Garland, TX

Seven7 Jeans Colombianos | Levanta Cola | Push UP | 1435

$6600 $9200
Taxes, discounts and shipping calculated at checkout.


Tiro: Alto Control Abdomen
Sin Bolsas Traseras
Corte de Corazon en Pompis
Levanta Cola
Color: Azul Oscuro con Desgastes
Tela: Piel De Durazno
Detalle Bordado
Bota: Tobillero


Waist: High Abdomen Control
Without Back Pockets
Heart-Shape Cut in Butt Area
Push-Up Effect
Color: Dark Blue with Scuffs
Fabric: Peach Skin
Embroidery Detail
Boot: Skinny